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Share this article Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on google Summer has arrived in full force. Amongst the lake days, BBQ’s and backyard parties, it’s easy to forget about proper lawn maintenance. Summer can either make or break your lawn, so it’s important to give the nutrients and TLC it deserves. Here are 6 tips to keep your lawn looking lush and green all summer long!
1. Keep Blades Sharp

Always make sure your cutter/mower’s blades are sharp. You can easily sharpen up any blades to make them perform like new. Sharper blades will provide you with a cleaner cut and ensure that all grass grows back at an even length. Sharper blades also mean you will spend less time mowing your lawn, saving you energy, time and fuel!

Before After
2. Don’t cut grass too short!

Although we usually suggest that you mow lower during spring, we recommend cutting a little higher during summer. Cutting your lawn at least 3 inches tall all summer will ensure the grass is healthier throughout the season. The higher length keeps the soil in the shade and out of direct sunlight. This allows the roots of the grass to not suffer from the suns harsh rays and protects the nutrients in the soil, allowing the grass to grow healthier.

3. Water at dawn!

We recommend getting a rain gauge to measure the weekly water supply: which should be about one inch. For weeks when the heat is highly severe, you can supply more water to the lawn. To prepare the lawn for droughts, it is advised that you water deeply and less frequently too. Finally, make sure you are watering early in the day or just after dawn. Since the sun isn’t scorching or providing too much heat yet, the water will be absorbed better instead of evaporating.

4. Use a good fertilizer!
To fertilize, or not to fertilize. This is one of the biggest questions on the minds of homeowners tending to their lawns. You should fertilize the lawn just before summer comes knocking. Choose slow-release fertilizers and make sure you fertilize your lawn every 6 weeks. This application should keep the grass going for long into the summertime. It is important to remember that every fertilizer is different as they serve different types of grass with different purposes. We don’t recommend purchasing any old fertilizer in hopes to fix your lawn. At Rainfall Landscapes, we have an array of various fertilizers that nurture and care for your lawn. Reach out to us if you have any questions or need assistance!
5. Disease Control
Fungal diseases are common in the summertime, but you can avoid them. To avoid any fungal diseases, it would be in your best interest to not water the lawn in the evenings. Watering in the mornings allows moisture levels to remain low, which will reduce the chances of fungal diseases. No matter how much we try, though, these diseases sometimes find a way to just creep upon us. If that happens, there is no problem with applying fungicides to the lawn.
6. Weed Control
Controlling weeds throughout the summertime is the best way to decrease weeds all year round. Spotting weeds in your garden and lawn can be tricky at times. Inconsistency in color and texture of your grass is always a big sign of weed presence. It is always easier to spot weeds after you have mown the lawn, so applying weed killer post-mow will be beneficial. Spraying weed killer can also be damaging to your lawn, so finding the right spray that coincides with your lawns needs is extremely crucial. Reach out to Rainfall Landscapes if you need assistance or have any questions about weeds.

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