Browse our most recent blog articles on lawn care, snow removal and landscaping tips!

Why snow removal is important for Calgary residents

Summer has arrived in full force. Amongst the lake days, BBQ’s and backyard parties, it’s easy to forget about the overall health of your lawn and garden. Summer can either make or break your lawn, so it’s important to give the nutrients and TLC it deserves. Below we have outlined 6 tips to keep your lawn looking lush and green all summer long!

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6 tips and tricks to deal with snow removal in Calgary

Summer has arrived in full force. Amongst the lake days, BBQ’s and backyard parties, it’s easy to forget about the overall health of your lawn and garden. Summer can either make or break your lawn, so it’s important to give the nutrients and TLC it deserves. Below we have outlined 6 tips to keep your lawn looking lush and green all summer long!

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Keep your lawn looking lush this summer, with these 6 easy tips!

Summer has arrived in full force. Amongst the lake days, BBQ’s and backyard parties, it’s easy to forget about the overall health of your lawn and garden. Summer can either make or break your lawn, so it’s important to give the nutrients and TLC it deserves. Below we have outlined 6 tips to keep your lawn looking lush and green all summer long!

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Rainfall Landscapes, Rainfall Landscapes, Calgary Business Podcast

Featured in Calgary Business Podcast: Episode 162 | Aleks Bradasevic | Rainfall Landscapes

Calgary Business Podcast is focused on meeting Calgary business owners, educators, influencers and other business leaders based in Calgary to discuss issues of importance to them. Recently, CEO and owner of Rainfall Landscapes, Aleks Bradasevic was a guest on the Calgary Business Podcast. Listen to the podcast to learn more about Rainfall Landscapes and how they navigated through the COVID pandemic.

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Want a lush green lawn all summer long? Follow this Spring Cleanup checklist for Calgary!

We have just come out of hibernation (with what feels like a 9-month winter), and we are so excited to experience long summer days in the backyard. Calgary winters can be extremely harsh on your lawn, ice can really damage your grass. A Calgary spring cleanup is an extremely crucial step in revitalizing and preparing your yard for summer. As the weather warms up and the days become longer, all we want is a healthy, lush green lawn (that neighbours will be jealous of). Skipping your Calgary Spring Cleanup, means your Summer lawn is essentially forgotten about too. If you are after the perfect lawn this summer, follow this fool-proof checklist below.

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The top 10 air purifying plants for your new home office!

Now that we are all spending more time in our humble abodes, it’s important to take care of our homes health. Due to many products such as paint, synthetics, furniture and more, we all have harsh chemicals and toxins surrounding us, that we are breathing in everyday. Finding natural and organic ways to detoxify and purify the air, is an essential part of keeping you and your family healthy.

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Featured in ‘Top 8 Snow Removal Companies in Calgary!’

Recently, Rainfall Landscapes was featured in the “Top 8 best Snow Removal Companies in Calgary”, by The Best Calgary. Below is an outline of our feature: Rainfall Landscapes aims to help households, offices and complexes in resolving their property maintenance needs for their natural landscapes. As such, they offer year-round services. From lawn care and fertilization, to mowing and trimming to leaf and debris cleanup during spring-summer months.

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8 Positive Updates on the COVID-19 outbreak!

1. Local Distilleries are making hand sanitizer instead of booze!

The World Health Organization has stated that cleaning your hands with hand sanitizer is the best thing to help kill viruses and germs during this time. With the main ingredient in hand sanitizer being alcohol, many local distilleries are jumping on board to assist with the national shortage.

Burwood Distillery is just one of the Calgary producers that quickly altered their business model to help assist with the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did they use their own product and time, but they donated their first thousand bottles to those who needed it.

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7 Tips for End of Winter and Early Spring Lawn Care in Calgary

With the crazy weather we’ve been getting this winter, Summer lawn care may be the furthest thing from your mind. But beautiful, healthy grass requires special attention in all seasons. There are ways that you can prepare your lawn for the cold weather and help it bounce back from the long, harsh winter. The good news is that grass is resilient; with a little assistance – it can be back to its lush, green self in no time.
So, what do homeowners need to do in the winter to ensure a great looking lawn in the spring? Here are seven key tips for keeping your grass strong through the cold months and helping it to perk up as soon as the snow melts.

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How To Make Your Yard Kid and Pet-Friendly

When summer rolls around, it’s nice to have a beautiful lawn to spend time on, enjoying the warm weather. However, having a lush lawn requires some upkeep, especially if you have children and pets.

Follow these steps to achieve a healthier lawn that is safe for the whole family:

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What a healthy Lawn Does for you

Enhances your mood, lowers your stress and calms the mind. Studies have shown that the smell and look of a well-groomed lawn helps create a feeling of well being and accomplishment. The calming effect is created when the chemical that’s released from a lawn beginning its regeneration process from being recently cut. This chemical is often referred to as GLV (Green Leaf Volatiles) and is responsible for the wonderful aroma.

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Top 10 Snow Removal Tips

With the winter season upon us, it is more important than ever to properly prepare for all that comes with winter weather. Icy and snowy conditions are often responsible for damage to properties, vehicles and in some cases people. While snow may be beautiful to look at and even play in, it can also be a huge weather-related liability for both homeowners and business owners.

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